- Copies lines of text (i.e. presentation content) from notecards to open chat
- HUD incorporates three display panes:
- "Just Sent" pane shows text most recently said to your audience
- "Next to be Sent" pane shows text about to be said
- "Preview" pane allows you to view any part of your presentation in advance
- Dynamically inserts "ad hoc" comments into the output stream (e.g. answer questions on the fly)
- Text can be Whispered (10m range), Said (20m range) or Shouted (100m range)
- Output can be silenced, so unwanted lines from the notecard can be skipped (suppressed from the output)
- Output can be sent to just the Owner, appearing in the Owner's chat window
- Supports comment lines that won't be read to your audience
- Outputs long paragraphs of text, up to 1024 characters (not the typical 255 character limit of other tools)
- Dynamically loads multiple notecards
- Special feature to output properly formatted LSL script code blocks
- Rezzable, resizable Image Display Screen provided
- Displays your diagrams, photos, or any other graphics for viewing by your students.
- Easily integrates the display of images into the flow of your presentation
- Displays a visible pointer by simply clicking on the screen
- Multiple Image Display Screens can be rezzed, and different images sent to each
- Choose from a variety of transition effects between images
- Dynamically adjusts aspect ratio for each image
- Supports animated textures
- Optionally generates a variety of particle effects when an image is displayed
- Optionally plays a sound file when an image is displayed
- Objects from your inventory can be rezzed in a position relative to your Avatar (range 10m)
- Easily integrates the rezzing of objects into the flow of your presentation
- Objects can be rezzed in any rotation desired
- Reads the next line from the notecard into chat, or...
- Go back one or more lines to repeat some material
- Skip back to the beginning of the notecard
- Allows presenter to preview the lines of material independently of sending the lines to chat
- Line counters show sequence numbers of line just read and line being previewed
- Click the HUD to make it transparent
- Minimize the HUD to get it out of the way temporarily